Credibility and Influence

The starting point for any meaningful exchange across communities and sectors is the exchange of clear, true, and compelling stories. At a time when we need more than ever to work together, our regional and national conversations about reconciliation, conservation, and sustainability issues have become increasingly polarized and confrontational.  At a time when we need to grasp nuances, complexities, and layered inter-relationships, media channels demand simplicity.

Today’s noisy, multi-channel universe presents unprecedented challenges to effective communication, not only for demonstrating ongoing subject-matter authority and thought leadership, but also in ensuring the relevance and real-world value of content to audiences— enabling citizens and organizations to engage, share, react and act… where they live. 

the wabe is adept at assisting organizations and coalitions to tell their stories: rendering complex material in simple and engaging terms, carving out strong positions, crafting effective messages, building commitment, and capturing positive audience engagement under challenging — even hostile — conditions.